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Dialog ​

Modal component that uses native HTML5 dialog functionality.

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Usage ​

@import "winduum/src/components/dialog/index.css" layer(components);
import { showDialog } from 'winduum/src/components/dialog'

document.querySelector('#showDialog').addEventListener('click', () => {
<script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue'
    import { Dialog, DialogContent } from '@/components/dialog'
    import { UiHeading } from '@/components/ui/heading'
    import { UiBtn } from '@/components/ui/btn'

    const dialogMain = ref()

    <UiBtn @click="">Open Dialog</UiBtn>
    <Dialog ref="dialogMain">
            <UiHeading>Hello there!</UiHeading>
            <UiBtn variant="muted" class="accent-main" @click="dialogMain.close()">
                Close me!

Variants ​

  • defaultΒ 
  • contentΒ 

Props ​

  • default-propsΒ 
  • content-propsΒ 

Installation ​

Follow instructions for individual framework usage below

  • winduumΒ 
  • winduum-vueΒ 
  • winduum-reactΒ 

Example ​

<button class="ui-btn" id="showDialog">Show dialog</button>

<dialog class="c-dialog">
    <form class="c-dialog-content" method="dialog">
        <div class="ui-heading">Example dialog</div>
        <div class="ui-text">
            <p>You can close this dialog with Esc, clicking outside, or by form submit</p>
        <button class="ui-btn">Close dialog</button>

<script type="module">
    import { showDialog } from 'winduum/src/components/dialog'

    document.querySelector('#showDialog').addEventListener('click', () => {
<script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue'
    import { Dialog, DialogContent } from '@/components/dialog'
    import { UiHeading } from '@/components/ui/heading'
    import { UiBtn } from '@/components/ui/btn'

    const dialogMain = ref()

    <UiBtn @click="">Open Dialog</UiBtn>
    <Dialog ref="dialogMain">
            <UiHeading>Hello there!</UiHeading>
            <UiBtn variant="muted" class="accent-main" @click="dialogMain.close()">
                Close me!

JavaScript API ​

showDialog ​

  • Type: (selector: HTMLDialogElement, options?: ShowOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Shows an existing <dialog>. It takes a selector argument, which is a CSS selector that identifies the dialog DOM element to be displayed. It also takes an options argument, which is an object that specifies how the dialog should be displayed.

The closeDialog event is sent upon closing with the esc key or clicking outside the dialog content window.

Example ​

import { showDialog } from 'winduum/src/libraries/dialog'

document.querySelector('#showDialog').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await showDialog(document.querySelector('#dialogElement'))

ShowOptions ​

closable ​
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

A boolean that indicates whenever is dialog closable by clicking outside or with esc key.

remove ​
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

A boolean that indicates whether the dialog should be removed from the DOM when it is closed.

openClass ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: visible

A string representing a CSS class that will be aded when dialog is visible.

scrollbarWidthProperty ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: --c-dialog-scrollbar-width

A CSS property representing a scrollbar width, when dialog is showed the document scrollbar is hidden, this adds necessary padding.

closeDialog ​

  • Type: (selector: HTMLDialogElement, options?: CloseOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Closes an existing <dialog>. It takes a selector argument, which is a CSS selector that identifies the dialog DOM element to be displayed. It also takes an options argument, which is an object that specifies how the dialog should be closed.

When dialog closes it sends native close event you can listen to, additionally c-dialog:dismiss event is sent when dialog animation finishes.

Example ​

import { closeDialog } from 'winduum/src/components/dialog'

document.querySelector('#closeDialog').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await closeDialog(document.querySelector('#dialogElement'))

CloseOptions ​

remove ​
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

A boolean that indicates whether the dialog should be removed from the DOM when it is closed.

openClass ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: visible

A string representing a CSS class that will be aded when dialog is visible.

scrollbarWidthProperty ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: --c-dialog-scrollbar-width

A CSS property representing a scrollbar width, when dialog is showed the document scrollbar is hidden, this adds necessary padding.

insertDialog ​

  • Type: (content: String, options?: InsertOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Inserts a dialog into the DOM by either appending it to an existing dialog element found by the selector or creating a new one. After that it is shown with the showDialog function.

Example ​

import { insertDialog } from 'winduum/src/components/dialog'

document.querySelector('#insertDialog').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await insertDialog(`
        <dialog class="c-dialog">
            <div class="c-dialog-content">
                This is inserted dialog

InsertOptions ​

class ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: inserted

A string representing a CSS selector for finding inserted dialog in the DOM.

selector ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: dialog.inserted

Selector of <dialog> element to target, be default the selector is inserted dynamically via content option

append ​
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

A boolean that indicates whether the new dialog should be appended after an existing one found by the selector or replaced.

show ​
  • Type: ShowOptions
  • Default: undefined

Additional show options, same as in ShowOptions

fetchDialog ​

  • Type: (options: FetchOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

A function that fetches dialog content from a URL and inserts it into the DOM with the insertDialog function.

Example ​

import { fetchDialog } from 'winduum/src/components/dialog'

document.querySelector('#fetchDialog').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await fetchDialog({
        url: '/api/dialog'

FetchOptions ​

url ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

A string representing the URL to fetch the dialog content from. Must return JSON with content key.

insert ​
  • Type: InsertOptions
  • Default: undefined

Additional insert options, same as in InsertOptions

Released under the MIT License.